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eileenmarie's picture
Last seen:
3 years 6 months ago
06/08/2009 - 11:18am
Hi Esther,
I took your free class about a year ago and I have read your wonderful book; since then my posture is much better and I'm not having as much lower back pain. My question relates to the cellerciser rebounder I purchased years ago; it's well made and it's supportive on the back and not supposed to do any damage; it's actually supposed to help circulation, weight loss, etc. I was really loving mine.
I sold it around 4 years ago when I believed it contributed to my back pain; but after I sold it, I had more back pain, and so I figured it wasn't due to the rebounder (mini trampoline), but it was due to the fact that I was not sitting correctly or sleeping correctly, or stretching, etc.
My back is better (but I still have some lower back pain- I have 3 bulging discs) and I want another cellerciser. What are your thoughts on these well made (not cheap imitation) rebounders?
Last seen:
9 hours 22 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
If you have three bulging discs, this may not be the exercise of choice. Ordinarily, I think using a mini-trampoline, provided you use your inner corset, can be good exercise. But I wouldn't risk further compressing your bulging discs with the impact of landing on a trampoline. If you choose do this anyway, learn to use your inner corset big time!
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